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Re: Getting off

Earlier, Nathan Neulinger wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > In the following message from another newsgroup, note the trailer - it 
> > comes attached to every message sent in that newsgroup, other groups do it 
> You would think so... I have a trailer like that on my CGIwrap mailing 
> list... You wouldn't believe the number of idiots that can't even read 
> it... 
> -- Nathan
> > > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > To remove yourself from the Mini SQL mailing list send a message containing
> > > "unsubscribe" to msql-list-request@bunyip.com.  Send a message containing
> > > "info msql-list" to majordomo@bunyip.com for info on monthly archives of
> > > the list. For more help, mail owner-msql-list@bunyip.com NOT the msql-list!

I host a majordomo list (networker@iphase.com) for Legato users.
It too has such a trailer and I have "administrivia" set to "yes".
You'd be surprised how many posts make it onto the list like this:

To: Networker@iphase.com
Subject: I want off

 >>> Joe User posted to the Networker list:
To "unsubscribe", send the words "unsubscribe networker" in a message
to "majordomo@iphase.com".  For more info, send the word "help" to the same
address.  ALL such commands MUST be in the message BODY !!!   Thanks!
    List Archives are available at "http://www.iphase.com/NetWorker"

I have to laugh every time I see this... not only did they miss the
spelling, and the syntax, they missed the address altogether.
This usually seems to happen after a flurry of posting too, further
puzzling me.  Oh well - I try. <sigh>
[    PATRICK LARKIN <plarkin@iphase.com>  INTERPHASE Systems Administrator   ]
[   Internet Paging: <plarkin-page@iphase.com>  (I see Subject line ONLY!)   ]
